A tourism school is officially called a tourism training school.
What is a hiking school?
It is a complete course, for a year or a few months, that teaches you how to hike sports.
The school course includes:
(a) lectures and workshops in the classroom (or remotely, via ZOOM) – usually once a week in the evening, from 8 to 10 pm;
the exact schedule will be announced to the students;
b) practical training in the field (it’s a training session in the forest, on weekends, approximately 2-3 times a month;
c) (!) training-training Camping (TTC) b/c or 1-2 k.s., foot-training – once for the whole course. once for the whole course, usually in May or summer.
Timing, area and complexity of the hike will be clarified during the course.
d) after the trip (in the autumn) – continuation of the class,
writing the hike report, passing the exam.
(*) Hikes are divided into 6 categories of complexity (k.s.). The easiest – 1 category (hike 1 k.s.), the most difficult – the 6th category, it’s the pinnacle of tourism skill.
Hike 1 k.s.. – Hike a minimum of 6 days, the route length of at least 100 km.
Hike b / k (no category) – easier than a hike k.s., but lasting at least 3-4 days, the route length of 35 to 100 km.
PWP is a weekend hike for 1-3 days.
More – is written in this article
and will be explained in our classes.